Final Program

MVA'98 IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications

November 17-19, 1998

Fujitsu Makuhari Systems Laboratory, Chiba, Japan

Tuesday, November 17, 1998
8:30- Registration
9:00- 9:20 Opening Session, Announcement of 10th Anniversary Award
9:20-11:00 Session 1: Image Media
11:00-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-13:00 Session 2: Intelligent Transportation Systems & Navigation
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 3: Poster Session 1
15:30-16:20 Session 4: Invited Talk 1
Machine Vision for Intelligent Robots
Prof. Rainer Bischoff & Volker Graefe*
Institute of Measurement Science, Bundeswehr University Munich
16:20-18:00 Session 5: Factory Automation
Wednesday, November 18, 1998
9:00-10:20 Session 6: Feature Extraction
10:20-10:35 Coffee Break
10:35-12:15 Session 7: Geographic Information System
12:15-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:45 Session 8: Poster Session 2
14:45-15:35 Session 9: Invited Talk 2
Recent Trend of Development and Application in Range Imaging
Prof. Seiji Inokuchi
Osaka University
15:35-17:15 Session 10: Recognition and Reconstruction
17:15-18:30 3D Dome Theater
18:40-20:40 Banquet, 10th Anniversary Award Presentation
Thursday, November 19, 1998
9:00-10:40 Session 11: Architecture
10:40-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-12:30 Session 12: Motion
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session 13: Poster Session 3
15:00-15:50 Session 14: Invited Talk 3
3D Model Acquisition from Uncalibrated Images
Dr. Roberto Cipolla
University of Cambridge
15:50-17:20 Session 15: Face, Gesture and Signature

Session 1: Image Media
9:20-11:00, Tuesday, November 17, 1998
1-1 Enhanced Vision for the Teleoperator of an All-Terrain Fast Mobile Robot
C.Tavanti* and J.Devars**
*GIAT Industries, **Univ. of Paris 6, France
1-2 Feature-Based Image Mosaicing
N.Chiba, H.Kano, M.Higashihara, M.Yasuda and M.Osumi
Sanyo Electric Co.,Ltd., Japan
1-3 Randomized Adaptive Algorithms for Mosaicing Systems
Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc., Japan
1-4 Oriented Hausdorff Similarity Measure for Object Matching
D-G.Sim and R-H.Park
Sogang Univ., Korea
1-5 Acquiring a Radiance Distribution to Superimpose Virtual Objects onto a Real Scene
I.Sato, Y.Sato and K.Ikeuchi
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Session 2: Intelligent Transportation Systems & Navigation
11:20-13:00, Tuesday, November 17, 1998
2-1 A Video-based System Methodology for Detecting Red Light Runners
A.H.S.Lai and N.H.C.Yung
Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2-2 A Novel Lane Model for Lane Boundary Detection
Y.Wang, D.Shen, E.K.Teoh and H.Wang
Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore
2-3 Detection of the Front Vehicle from the Stereoscopic Image Using Hierarchy Process
N.Tsunashima and M.Nakajima
Keio Univ., Japan
2-4 Integrated Vision/Control System for Autonomous Planetary Rovers
T.Huntsberger, T.Kubota and J.Rose
Univ. of South Carolina, USA
2-5 Autonomous Robot Navigation by Active Visual Motion Analysis and Understanding
S.S.Park and A.Sowmya
Univ. of New South Wales, Australia
Session 3: Poster Session 1
14:00-15:30, Tuesday, November 17, 1998
3-1 Generation and Update of 3D-City Models from Maps and Elevation Data
U.Stilla, R.Geibel and E.Repasi
Research Institute for Processing and Pattern Recognition, Germany
3-2 Clustering of Learning Images and Generation of Multiple Prototypes for Object Recognition
J.Jia and K.Abe
Shizuoka Univ., Japan
3-3 Generation of Missing Medical Slices Using Morphing Technology
A.E.Hassanien, H.Karam, H.Akter, and M.Nakajima
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
3-4 Handwritten Chinese Character Segmentation Using Local Potential Threshold and Minimum Potential Search
M.Anegawa*, H.Kuroda*, S.Miyahara*, K.Tsuruhara**, A.Nakamura***
*Nagasaki Univ., **Nitsuko Corporation, ***Kumamoto Institute of Technology, Japan
3-5 An Efficient Matching Algorithm for Segment-Based Stereo Vision Using Dynamic Programming Technique
T.Ueshiba*, Y.Kawai*, Y.Sumi* F.Tomita*, and Y.Ishiyama**
*Electrotechnical Laboratory, **Stanley Electric Co.,Ltd., Japan
3-6 Improved Disparity Estimation by Matching with an Adaptive Window
E.Izquierdo M.
Univ. of Essex, UK
3-7 On a High-Speed Hough Transform Algorithm MRHT
K.Kato*, T.Endo**, K.Murakami***, T.Toriu** and H.Koshimizu****
*Gifu Univ., **Fijitsu Laboratories Ltd., ***Aichi Pref. Uinv., ****Chukyo Univ.,Japan
3-8 A System for Extracting Aesthetic Information from Architectural Drawings
Univ. of California at Los Angeles, USA
3-9 An Approach to Vehicle Recognition Using Supervised Learning
T.Kato and Y.Ninomiya
Toyota central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan
3-10 A Method of Robust Seam Feature Detection from Profiles for Robotic Sealing
K.Arakawa*, T.Kakizaki* and S.Omyo**
*NTT Human Interface Laboratories, **Honda Engineering Co.,Ltd., Japan
3-11 Color Cell Image Segmentation Using Pyramidal Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network
F.Kurugollu*, and B.Sankur**
*TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, **Bogazici Univ., Turkey
3-12 New Design and Implementation of On-Sensor-Compression
T.Hamamoto*, Y.Ohtsuka** and K.Aizawa**
*Science Univ. of Tokyo, **Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
3-13 Contour-Based Person Localizaion by 3D Neural Fields and Steerable Filters
A.Corradini, U-D.Braumann, H-J.Boehme and H-M.Gross
Technical Univ. of Ilmenau, Germany
3-14 A Novel Application of Real-Time Face Tracking and Microphones Array to Pick up Human Voice Remotely and Clearly
H.Mizoguchi, T.Shigehara, M.Yokoyama and T.Mishima
Saitama Univ., Japan
3-15 Automatic Seal Verification by Calculating Distance Between 2D and 3D Patterns
T.Horiuchi* and N.Yamaguchi**
*Iwate Prefectural Univ., **Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
3-16 Detection of Curvilinear Structures Using the Euclidean Distance Transform
J-H.Jang and K-S.Hong
3-17 Book Recognition from Color Images of Book Shelves
Y.Akiyama and M.Ito
Kogakuin Univ., Japan
3-18 Proposal of Query by Short-Time Action Descriptions in a Scene
H.Miyamori*, T.Echigo** and S.Iisaku*
*Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, **IBM Research, Japan
3-19 A Computed Imaging System Using Wavelets Sampling Model
H.Du*, N.Tayama*, M.Daibo*, T.Hasegawa** and K.Seki*
*Iwate Univ., **Iwate Industrial Univ., Japan
3-20 Stable Gesture Verification in Eigen Space
S.Hiratsuka*, K.Ohba**, S.Kajikawa***, H.Inooka* and K.Tanie**
*Tohoku Univ., **Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, ***Miyagi National Collage of Technology, Japan
3-21 Genetic Hough Transform for Curves Detection
Y.D.Wang* and N.Funakubo**
*Media Drive Corporation, **Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Japan
3-22 Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Human Face from CT and Color Photographs
A.M.Haider and T.Kaneko
Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, Japan
3-23 Optimum Design Parameters of the Classifiers for Omni-Font Machine-Printed Numeral Recognition Based on the Minimum Classification Error Criterion
K.Marukawa, K.Nakashima, H.Shinjo Y.Shima and H.Fujisawa
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
3-24 Single Lens Stereo with a Biprism
D.H.Lee*, I.S.Kweon** and P.Cipolla**
*KAIST, **Univ. of Cambridge, Korea
3-25 Parallel Vision Computing on a Network of Workstation Clusters
J.You, A.Sattar and L.Vlavic
Griffith Univ.,Australia
3-26 Gradient Estimation in Uncertain Data Jong, L.J.van Vliet and P.P.Jonker
Delft Univ. of Technology, Netherlands
3-28 A System for Automated Generation of Deformed Maps
H.Honda*, K.Yamamori**, K.Kajita**, and J.Hasegawa*
*Chukyo Univ., **Oki Technosystems Laboratory, Inc., Japan
3-29 A Crack Detection Method in Road Surface Images Using Morphology
N.Tanaka and K.Uematsu
Kobe Univ. of Mercantile Marine, Japan
3-30 A Hierarchical Method of Recognizing Plant Species by Leaf Shapes
C.Im*, H.Nishida** and T.L.Kunii***
*Univ. of Tokyo, **Ricoh Co.,Ltd., ***Hosei Univ., Japan
3-32 Fuzzy Logic Based Satellite Image Classification: Generation of Fuzzy Membership Function and Rule from Training Set
W.Park and H-K.Lee
Institute of Sci. and Tech, Korea
Session 5: Factory Automation
16:20-18:00, Tuesday, November 17, 1998
5-1 Hybrid Defect Detection Method Based on Shape Measurement and Feature Extraction for Complex Patterns
H.H.Kobayashi, Y.Hara, H.Doi, K.Takai and A.Sumiya
Hitachi Ltd., Japan
5-2 Fast Search Algorithms for IC Printed Mark Quality Inspection
M-C.Chang*, H-Y.Chen** and C-S.Fuh*
*National Taiwan Univ., **Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
5-3 Feature Extraction for Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
P.Marino, M.A.Dominguez
Univ. of Vigo, Spain
5-4 A Way to Exploit Highlights in Metallic Environment for Pipes Localization
C.Awanzino*, L.Letellier**, J.M.Lavest*, M.Dhome* and C.Faye***
*Univ. Blaise Pascal, **CEA-LETI, ***ENSEA-ETIS, France
5-5 Integrated Techniques for Self-Organisation, Sampling, Habituation, and Motion-Tracking in Visual Robotics Applications
M.W.Peters and A.Sowmya
Univ. of New South Wales, Australia
Session 6: Feature Extraction
9:00-10:20, Wednesday, November 18, 1998
6-1 Contour Tracer for a Fast and Precise Edge-Line Extraction
C.Robl, Dr-Ing.G.Farber
Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany
6-2 Gray Level Corner Detection
H.Wang, Z.Zheng and E.K. Teoh
Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore
6-3 Flexible Features in Texture with Similarity
J.Kuan, D.Joyce and P.Lewis
Univ. of Southampton, UK
6-4 A Practical Method to Recognize a Flat Object Using a Combination of Intenstity Profiles
Y.Okamoto and E.Tanaka
Toshiba Corporation, Japan
Session 7: Geographic Information System
10:35-12:15, Wednesday, November 18, 1998
7-1 A Map-Based Approach to Extracting Object Information from Aerial Images
Y.Ogawa, K.Iwamura and S.Kakumoto
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
7-2 Modeling of Urban Scenes by Aerial Photographs and Simply Reconstructed Buildings
K.Kamei*, W.Hoy**, T.Tamada*, K.Seo*
*Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, **Univ. of British Columbia, Japan
7-3 3D Reconstruction of Buildings and Vegetation from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images
M.Kirscht and C.Rinke
Universitat Hannover, Germany
7-4 Reconstruction Textured Urban 3D Model by Fusing Ground-Based Laser Range Image and CCD Image
H.Zhao, R.Shibasaki
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
7-5 Image Sequence Retrieval for Forecasting Weather Radar Echo Pattern
K.Otsuka*, T.Horikoshi* and S.Suzuki**
*NTT Human Inter face Laboratories, **NTT Multimedia Business Department, Japan
Session 8: Poster Session 2
13:15-14:45, Wednesday, November 18, 1998
8-1 Automatic Judgement of Spinal Deformity from Moire Images Employing Asymmetry of Local Centroids Location
H.S.Kim*, K.Ishida*, S.Ishikawa* and Y.Ohtsuka**
*Kyushu Institute of Technology, **National Sanatorium Chiba Higashi Hospital, Japan
8-2 Cracks and Displacement Feature Extraction of the Concrete Block Surface
S-H.Cho, K.Hisatomi and S.Hashimoto
Waseda Univ., Japan
8-3 Automatic Prostate Cancer Grading System Based on 3-D Histo-Pathological Images
P.S.U.Adiga and B.B.Chaudhuri
Indian Statistical Institute, India
8-4 Real time visual servoing around a complex Object
F.Berry, P.Martinet and J.Gallice
Universite Blaise Pascal de Clermont Ferrand, France
8-5 2-D Non-Separable Wavelet Bases for Texture Classification with Genetic Feature Selection
B.Y.Liao*, J.S.Pan*, J.W.Wang**, and L.Hon*
*National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, **National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan
8-6 Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection on Visual Sensing System
Y.Miyake*, K.Ishihara*, H.Shinmori*, H.Otsuka*, H.Nakai**, M.Watanabe**, K.Takada***, K.Yamashita**** and T.Araki****
*Ehime Univ., **Toshiba, ***Toshiba Eng., ****Osaka Univ.,Japan
8-7 Localization Based on the Gradient Information for DEM matching
D-G.Sim, and R-H.Park
Sogang Univ., Korea
8-8 An Efficient Technique for Motion Recovery Based on Multiple Views
J.K.Tan, S.Kawabata and S.Ishikawa
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
8-9 Auto-Calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera
Y.Seo and K-S.Hong
Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology, Korea
8-10 Seafloor Texture Classification with a Multiscale Discriminant Analysis on High Resolution Sonar Images
J.Lemoyne, C.Collet
French Naval Academy, France
8-11 An Extended Geometric Approach in Active Vision to Detect and Eliminate Specularity in Shiny Colored Objects
P.Gunaratne and Y.Sato
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
8-12 Detection of Crowds of People by Use of Wavelet Features and Parameter Free Statistical Models
D.Faulhaber, H.Niemann and P.Weierich
Bavarian Research Center for Knowledge Based Systems(Forwiss), Germany
8-13 Orientation and Scale Invariant Text Region Extraction in WWW Images
T.Park, D.Kim and K.Chung
Soongsil Univ., Korea
8-14 A New Approach to Minimize the Energy of Deformable Contours la Fuente, F.M.Trespaderne and J.R.Peran
Univ. of Valladolid, Spain
8-15 Extraction of Character Strings from House Maps
T.Simasaki and T.Watanabe
Nagoya Univ., Japan
8-16 Acquiring 3D Model of Object by Motion-Stereo
C.Wang and K.Sakaue
ETL, Japan
8-17 A Morphological Approach to Fish Discrimination
Y.Nagashima*, T.Ishimatsu**
*Sasebo National College of Technology, **Nagasaki Univ., Japan
8-18 Texture Image Segmentation Using Wavelet Filters and Cellular Neural Network
G.Liu and S.Oe
Univ. of Tokushima, Japan
8-19 Detection of Building Cahges from Aerial Imageries Through Information Fusion
W.Lu, T.Doihara and Y.Matsumoto
Asia Air Survey Co.,Ltd., Japan
8-21 Mobile Motion-Tracking System for Rescue Work at Destroyed Buildings
T.Matsumoto and Y.Kitagawa
Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Industrial Research, Japan
8-22 Error Sources and Error Reduction in Gradient-Based Method with Local Optimization
A.Osa, L.Zhang and H.Miike
Yamaguchi Univ., Japan
8-23 Cooperative Relaxation Algorithm of Range Images Using Surface Curvatures
E-J.Lee*, K-H.Hyun**, G. Min***, K-R. Kwon**** and I-G.Jeong*****
*Tongmyong Univ. of Information Technology, **Youngsan Univ., ***KBS, ****Pusan Univ. of Foreign Studies, *****Yecheon Junior College, Korea
8-24 Intensity Calibration for Stereo Images Based on Segment Correspondence
Y.Kawai and F.Tomita
Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan
8-25 Robust Extraction of 3D Structures by Fusion of Intensity-Based and Contour-Based Junction Features
M.Mokhtari, A.Bubel and R.Bergevin
Laval Univ., Canada
8-26 The Automatic Detection and Recognition of Objective Parts in Real-World Building Image
J.Haomin and M.Sakauchi
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
8-27 Model Management in the System Generating Vision Inspections
M.Krcmar and P.Kodl
Rockwell Automation Ltd., Czech Republic
8-28 Smart Ultrasonic Vision System for Mobile Robots
R.Kazys, L.Mazeika, R.Sliteris and L.Svilainis
Kaunas Univ. of Technology, Lithuania
8-29 Neural Network Based Handwritten Character Recognition for Conflict Resolution
K.V.Prema and N.V.S.Reddy
Univ. of BDT College of Engineering, India
8-30 Recognizing Buildings in Urban Scene of Distant View
P.Liu, K.Ikeuchi and M.Sakauchi
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Session 10: Recognition and Reconstruction
15:35-17:15, Wednesday, November 18, 1998
10-1 Adaptive Color Structured Light
D.Caspi, N.Kiryati and J.Shamir
Tel Aviv Univ., Israel
10-2 Successive Pose Clustering for Steroscopic Object Recognition
T.Shakunaga and T.Ohno
Okayama Univ., Japan
10-3 Facet Matching from an Uncalibrated Pair of Images
L.Theiler and H.Chabbi
Univ. of Fribourg, Switzerland
10-4 3D Fundus Shape Reconstruction and Display From Stereo Fundus Images
K.Deguchi, D.Kawamata, K.Mizutani, H.Hontani and K.Wakabayashi
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
10-5 3D Reconstruction of Skin Surface from Image Sequence
T.Yamada, H.Saito and S. Ozawa
Keio Univ., Japan
Session 11: Architecture
9:00-10:40, Thursday, November 19, 1998
11-1 A New Image Sensor with Space Variant Sampling Control on a Focal Plane
Y.Ohtsuka, T.Hamamoto, K.Aizawa and M.Hatori
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
11-2 A Light Adaptive 4000 Pixels Analog Silicon Retina for Edge Extraction and Motion Detection
G.Sicard*, G.Bouvier* and A.Lelah**
*Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, **Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications, France
11-3 On the Synthesis of a Controller for Handling Borders in Systolic Architectures for 1-D Discrete Wavelet Transform
M.Ferretti and D.Rizzo
DIS-Univ. of Pavia, Italy
11-4 Design and Realisation of a Parallel Systolic Architecture Dedicated to Aerial Image Matching
E.E.Pissaloux*, F.Le Coat*, P.Bonnin, **A.Tissot***, F.Durbin**** and T.Garie***
*Universite de Paris, **Universite Paris 13, ***DRIF/DCRE/SEM, France
11-5 High Speed 3D Reconstruction by Video Image Pipeline Processing and Division of Spatio-Temporal Space
Y.Kameda, T.Taoda, M.Minoh
Kyoto Univ., Japan
Session 12: Motion
10:50-12:30, Thursday, November 19, 1998
12-1 Pointwise"Flow" from a Variational Principle
Defence Evaluation & research agency, UK
12-2 Visual Feature Tracking with Automatic Motion Model Switching
P.Tissainayagam and D.Suter, Monash Univ.
12-3 Optical Flow-Based Person Tracking by Multiple Cameras
H.Tsutsui, J.Miura and Y.Shirai
Osaka Univ., Japan
12-4 Moving Object Detection from MPEG Coded Picture
S.Mitsumoto, H.Yuasa and H.Zen
Tokyo Univ. of Mercantile Marine, Japan
12-5 Optimal Homography Computation with a Reliability Measure
Gunma Univ., Japan
Session 13: Poster Session 3
13:30-15:00, Thursday, November 19, 1998
13-1 A Comparison of Linear Processor Arrays for Image Processing
M.van der Molen and P.Jonker
Delft Univ. of Technology, Netherland
13-2 Segmentation of Neurons Using Mathematical Morphology
A.V.Dias*, C.W.Picanco-Diniz*, S.Gorcon**
*Federal Univ. of Para, **Federal Univ. of Sao Carlos, Brazil
13-3 Segmentation of Handwritten Kanji Numerals Integrating Peripheral Information by Bayesian Rule
T.Kagehiro, M.Koga, H.Sako and H.Fujisawa
Hitachi,Ltd., Japan
13-4 Selection/Substitution of Visual Features for Object Tracking
A.Pasqual, K.Aizawa and M.Hatori
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
13-5 An Interface for Visualizing Feature Space in Image Retrieval
Y.Musha*, A.Hiroike*, Y.Mori **and A.Sugimoto*
*Hitachi Ltd, **RWCP, Japan
13-6 A Novel Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Finding the Consistent Peak of Correlation Function
M.Sezgin*, R.Tacaltin**
*Tubitak Marmara Research Center, **Istanbul Technical Univ., Turkey
13-7 Automatic Evaluation of the Appearance of Seam Puckers on Suits Using Fractal Dimensions
T.Aibara and T.Mabuchi
Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan
13-8 Offset Vertical Stereo System for Real-Time Range-Finding to Preceding Vehicles
N.Miyazaki*, M.Shiohara*, T.Itoh* and S.Fukuyama**
*FUJITSU Laboratories Ltd, **FUJITSU Ten Limited, Japan
13-9 Reconstruction of Measurement Matrices for Recovering Shape and Motion from Long Image Sequences
Y-J.Huang and H.Nishida
Ricoh Co.Ltd, Japan
13-10 A Driver Behaviour Evaluation System
A.B.Martinez, J.P.Arboleda
Universitat Politecnica de Cataluna, Spain
13-11 Fast Prototyping of Image Processing Applications Using Functional Skeletons on a MIMD-DM Architecture
D.Ginhac, J.Serot and J.P.Derutin
Universite Blaise Pascal de Clermont Ferrand, France
13-12 Image-based Control of Robot and Target Object Motions by Eigen Space Method
I.Takahashi and K.Deguchi
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
13-13 XR-US Data Fusion for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Steel Components
M.Ancis, A.Campus, D.D.Giusto and F.Tintrup
Univ. of Cagliari, Italy
13-14 Matching of 3D Graphs for Human Motion Analysis
C.Yaniz and J.Rocha
Univ. of the Balearic Islands, Spain
13-15 An Algorithm for Reducing Text Line Candidates of Incorrect Orientation
H.Goto and H.Aso
Tohoku Univ., Japan
13-16 Curve Extraction Using Genetic Algorithm Based on Closeness and Continuity in Perceptive Grouping Factors
Iwate Prefectural Univ., Japan
13-17 A Slanted Ellipse Detection by a Circle Detecting Hough Transform Using a Pair of Arcs
Y.Asayama and M.Shiono
Okayama Univ. of Science, Japan
13-18 A Method of Counting the Passing People by Using the Method of the Template Matching
K.Terada and N.Kurokawa
University of Tokushima, Japan
13-19 Hierarchical Dictionary Constructing Method for the Parametric Eigenspace Method
T.Abe* and T.Nakamura**
*Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hokuriku, **NTT Software Laboratories, Japan
13-20 Average Grain Size Determination Using Mathematical Morphology and Texture Analysis
H.Rautio and O.Silven
Infotech Oulu, Finland
13-21 A Range Finder by Using a Rotary Cubic Mirror
K.Terada*, D.Yoshida * and J.Yamaguchi**
*Univ.of Tokushima, **Sogo Security Service Co.,Ltd, Japan
13-22 Enhancement of 3D Information Acquisition from 2D Spatio-Temporal Image
C.Li, K.Ikeuchi and M.Sakauchi
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
13-23 Recognition of 3-D Object Shape and Forward Moving Distance by Monocular Motion Stereo for Mobile Robot
Y.Suga and N.Ohmori
Keio Univ., Japan
13-24 3-D Objects Mapping Using Model and Image Based Approach
T.Shoji, E.Iwanari and Y.Okada
Ryukoku Univ., Japan
13-25 Relaxation Algorithm for Detection of Face Outline and Eye Locations
H-J.Lee, D-G.Sim and R-H.Park
Sogang Univ., Korea
13-26 Thin Film Magnetic Head Wafer Inspection Technique Using Geometrical Feature Based Image Comparison
A.Shimoda, H.Iwata, Y.Shibata and H.Ikeda
Hitachi Ltd., Japan
13-27 Design and Implementation of Real Time System for Object Detection and Classification on Parallel Virtual Machine
T.L.Mengko, T.Adiono, H.Setyawan, R.Setiadarma and D.A.Hudiansyah
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
13-28 Localization of Objects in Noisy Scenes for Robotics Applications Using Wigner Distribution
V.G.Vaidya and R.Kaushal
Siemens Information Systems Ltd., India
13-29 Vehicle Identification System by Automated Korean License Plate Reading
Y-K.Choi*, T-H.Cho**
*LG Industrial Systems R&D Center, **Korea Univ. of Technology, Korea
13-30 Model Driven 3-D Shape Reconstruction by Matching Synthesized Images with Actual Images
H.Matsui*, Y.Nomura **and S.Fujii***
*Nagoya Uniy., **Mie Univ., ***Dido Institute of Technology, Japan
13-31 A Competitive Learning Algorithm for Color-Based Image Retrieval
M.Aitkbir, M.Jbilou and R.Benslimane
Universite Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Morroco
13-32 Registration of Complex Free-Form Objects from 3D Image Edge Using the Hausdorff Distance
A.Escobar and D.Laurendeau
Laval Univ., Canada
Session 15: Face, Gesture and Signature
15:50-17:20, Thursday, November 19, 1998
15-1 Online Gesture Recognition Using Predicative Statistical Feature Extraction and Multivariate Analysis
B.Raytchev*, O.Hasgawa** and N.Otsu*
*Tsukuba Univ., **ETL, Japan
15-2 Vision-based Interpretation of Hand Gestures by Modeling Appearance Changes in Image Sequences
Y.Zhu, Y.Huang, G.Xu, H.Ren and Z.Wen
Tsinghua Univ., China
15-3 Learning Models of Animal Behaviour for a Robotic Sheepdog N.Sumpter*, A.J.Bulpitt*, R.Vaughan**, R.D.Tillett** and R.D.Boyle*
*Univ. of Leeds, **Silsoe Reserch Institute, UK
15-4 Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Photometric Stereo
S.C.Kee*, S.U.Lee *and K.M.Lee**
*Seoul National Univ., **Hong-IK Univ., Korea